Our group fitness classes are great if you need that extra bit of motivation or like to be pushed!
Class descriptions:
Active Adults: A low impact class to strengthen your bones, muscles and maintain fitness for the mature. We use fitballs for balance, light weights and a sense of humour. 50+ B I A
Body Pump: A Lew Mills Body Training System. A rapid fat burning class using barbells to give you the fastest way to tone your muscles and get into shape. B I A
RPM: Take the ultimate ride! A motivational indoor cycling class over varied terrain which will increase your cardio fitness. Burn more calories than any other class, in under 50 minutes. Warning RPM is addictive! B I A
HIIT: High-intensity interval training class is a great way to get your heart rate up and help smash out your fitness goals in a 30 minute session. Using both bodyweight and equipment to give variety to your workouts. BIA

Pound: This is our cardio jam session inspired by the fun of playing the drums. Instead of listening to the music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements. BIA
Boxing: Make an impact on your fitness! This class will give you a great cardio workout and strengthen up your muscle definition. A great full body workout. B I A

Pilates: Improve your core strength by focusing on posture, balance, flexibility and strength. B I A
Yoga: Develop greater flexibility, inner strength, peace of mind as well as releasing unwanted tension. B I A
Key: B= Beginner I = Intermediate A = Advanced
Active Adults Program Group Exercise for over 50′s
Want more energy, maintain your fitness or prevent osteoporosis and arthritis and have fun?
Our group classes are moderately paced, non-competitive and conducted by friendly qualified staff.
Suitable for all fitness levels Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 11:30am
Only $6 including a cuppa’ and chat afterwards.